Though the barren, rocky reaches of Quebec’s Ungava Peninsula are geographically close to many canoeists, relatively few venture there. This windswept world of rock and water, with no inland settlements, is surrounded on three sides by freezing Arctic waters. The wind blows incessantly and if it ever does stop, hordes of mosquitoes descend. Yet Ungava offers an unparalleled wilderness experience and there are many incredible stories of those who have travelled here, or tried to. It’s also home to Pingualuit, the giant meteorite crater that penetrates 800 feet into the ancient granite shield. This book contains stories of numerous trips across the Ungava Peninsula from west to east and south to north by the Hide-Away Canoe Club, and by Professor Jacques Rousseau, 70 years ago.
Ungava. Across Arctic Quebec with the Hide-Away Canoe Club
13 x 11 inches. 116 pages with 240+ photos and illustrations.
Books shipped to Canada add $20. To US $25. To Europe $35