Che-Mun Outfits 38-160 available to download
Che-Mun was the quarterly newsletter of Canadian Wilderness Canoeing published by the HACC from 1984-2015. We are happy to make Outfits 84-160 available for free PDF download.
Click on each issue photo (141-160) or the name below to download a PDF. Che-Mun was sold as a yearly subscription originally and later as a full colour journal and PDF. There are still some back hard copies left and almost every issue is available as a PDF.
Originally started as a photocopied newsletter by Nick Nickels of Lakefield, Ont. in 1973, Che-Mun, Ojibwa for canoe, was taken over by Michael Peake a year after Nick retired in 1983 after Outfit 37. It was then upgraded to a printed version and became full colour with Outfit 140 in the Spring of 2010.
Below are links to every Outfit of Che-Mun that we published except, as noted by the *, Outfits 40 and 46 which will be added later. A link to the full Che-Mun index is below.
Che-Mun Back Issues 120-160